Prodosh Kar, Saikot Chatterjee
Galore of sport experts think that athletes are born, others are of the view that they are the product of nature and nurture i.e. athletes are produced. So far my views and ideas are concerned athletes are the byproduct of a combination of both the factors mentioned above. Though athletes go through expert coaching and endowed with potentialities they often adopt unfair means for unnatural development of their performance. Despite all regulations and legislations they use substance of abuse for performance enhancement. The anti doping agencies are working hard in control and minimizing the issues and keeping athletes safe. Apart from coaching, training nutrition of athlete is also a crucial part which sometimes gets less priority especially in country like India. Though sport persons are guided with best training, provided atmosphere for their best grooming, they quite often lack in nutritional status. In this perspective supplementation with essential micro and macro nutrients can play a major role in development of athletic performance without being alleged by anti doping agencies. Considering the above fact the scholar premeditated to conduct a research directed towards analyzing the effect of selected micro nutrient supplementation on endurance running performance of trained athletes. For the study the scholar selected 31 boys who are categorically state level runners as volunteers. The scholar involved a Physician as expert for medical prescription and overall supervision who considering the nutrition status of the athletes and RDA prepared a course of supplementation. A supplementation protocol was designed with the micronutrients like Vit. C, Vit. E, Iron and calcium and employed on the athletes for 12 weeks and data with respect to their performance on endurance run i.e. 12 mins run and walk was recorded thrice pre test mid test and post test. The data were analyzed statistically and was observed that. Their performance developed cumulatively during the mid as well as the post tests. Thus the scholar arrived at the conclusion that micro nutrient supplementation can play a determining role in development of athletes performance.
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