Dr. Pavana and Smrithi A
Background and Objectives: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a pathology induced by a new coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Generally, COVID-19 is identified as an acute disorder that could be fatal. The onset of this severe disease may lead to death because of the substantial damage to lung alveoli and the massive failure of the respiratory system to conduct its functional gas exchange. Age is another important factor, with the elderly population being at higher risk for the disease. Today, much more important than chronologically determined aging is successful aging. The latter is defined as the maintenance of physical and mental functioning and involvement with social and relationship activities. Quality of life is influenced by individual lifestyles and a healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise, considered one of the most important components. Good eating habits, adequate sleep, weight control, and limited consumption of alcohol and smoking are also included. Regular exercise is considered an important component for the development of a healthy lifestyle, because there is convincing evidence that it may benefit both physical and mental health.
Methods: This study was a questionnaire-based survey. A pilot study was conducted initially with 10% of the estimated sample size -15 subjects using the same procedure followed for main study. The study was done in a community set up where elderly population with age limit of 60 and above. The subjects were requested for participation as volunteers for the study. An informed written consent from the selected subjects was obtained after explaining the purpose of the study. The subjects were recruited based on inclusion and exclusion criteria with the help of the subjective self-reporting screening form.
Results: The relationship between VAS and SF-12 was directly proportional that is subjects with more pain had poor quality of life and the relationship between SF-12 and PASE was directly proportional, that is subjects with daily physical activity had better quality of life.
Conclusion: The study concludes that subjects who were complaining of more pain had poor quality of life compared to those who did not have pain and subjects who were physically active with moderate to high physical activity had better quality of life than those with low physical activity.
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