Dr. Pavana PT and Ankita H Shetty
Background and Objectives: A sport has mass participation, drawing individuals either for fun, physical exercise, or work. Sports have been organized at competitive levels in the past, but rivalry in sports has now reached the highest level. Lower leg power serves as an early indicator of diminished function, while elevated leg power may signal the preservation of physical functionality. Flexibility, an integral facet of physical fitness, holds varying degrees of importance across different sports. It becomes even more critical as it enhances athletic efficiency and reduces the risk of injuries. In cricket, muscle strength and flexibility are essential factors that determine an athlete's physical condition, as they are required for batting, bowling, and throwing purposes. Leg strength plays a significant role in the performance of cricket players. Short, explosive movement patterns, quick, agile positioning, jumps, and blocks characterize volleyball. The repeated actions of jumps, abrupt stops, and various movements in volleyball exert significant pressure on joints, elevating the susceptibility to injuries. To mitigate these risks, a protective measure often involves strengthening the musculature surrounding the joints and optimizing joint flexibility.
Methods: This study was done in a sports set-up where 90 subjects were considered equal distribution. The study recruited a population with an age limit of 15 to 24 years who were screened and assessed for handgrip strength, leg muscle strength, shoulder flexibility and trunk flexibility. Demographic data of the subjects was collected and recorded. The data was then subjected to statistical analysis.
Results: The study does not directly correlate lower or higher BMI with decreased flexibility. They all exhibited the same levels of flexibility and reduced amount of strength.
Conclusion: The study concludes that volleyball players had the highest levels of hand grip, leg muscle strength and shoulder flexibility with the least amount of trunk flexibility compared to badminton and cricket. The badminton players had the most minor hand grip strength and shoulder flexibility. In contrast, the cricket players had moderate hand grip strength and shoulder and trunk flexibility compared to volleyball and badminton players.
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