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International Journal of Sports, Health and Physical Education

Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part A (2025)

Comparison between the effects of TheraBand strengthening with conventional exercise on pain and function among patients with shoulder impairment


Rakshith Bangera K


The shoulder is a very complex joint that is crucial for most of the daily living activities. The glenohumeral joint is a rather unstable joint compared to the other ball and socket joints in the body. Several acute and chronic disorders are known to cause painful limitation of movement in the shoulder joint. However, in most cases, the actual cause of the pain and limitation is unknown and can only conjecturally be linked to abnormalities in the rotator cuff or other structures. This health problem should, therefore, be studied in terms of impairment rather than specific disorders, at least in large epidemiological studies, where intensive diagnostic tests cannot be performed. Shoulder strengthening can be done by using various resistance devises like dumbbells, springs, TheraBand, barbells, weight cuffs. TheraBands are being used from almost a century to do elastic resistance exercises. Elastic resistance bands have been reported as a useful tool for improving muscle strength in young and elderly populations, both genders individuals with and without musculoskeletal pain.30 subjects diagnosed with shoulder impairment by physician/orthopedician and referred to department of physiotherapy were taken for the study by purposive sampling method. The subjects were examined for exclusion and inclusion criteria. The subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria were taken for this study. They were explained about the study and an informed consent was obtained from them. The subjects willing to participate were included into the study. Then, 15 subjects each were assigned to two groups i.e., group A (TheraBand exercises) and group B (conventional exercises) by simple random sampling (lottery method) procedure. The baseline data of study outcome measure i.e., pain and disability in visual analogue scale and SPADI were measured and noted.

Pages: 30-38  |  54 Views  19 Downloads

International Journal of Sports, Health and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Rakshith Bangera K. Comparison between the effects of TheraBand strengthening with conventional exercise on pain and function among patients with shoulder impairment. Int. J. Sports Health Phys. Educ. 2025;7(1):30-38. DOI: 10.33545/26647559.2025.v7.i1a.174
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